Friday, November 9, 2018

Top 10 Best Yoga Poses for Beginners

The Top 10 Best Yoga Poses for Beginners

Starting Yoga can seem a bit intimidating at first but it's really quite simple.  This Guide will show you where to start with simple poses for all sizes and ages. These are the Top 10 Best Yoga Poses for Beginners.

#1 Mountain Pose

Mountain posture also know as Tadasana is our natural starting point. While this may appear as though you are simply standing there is so much more to this practical pose.  It helps with balance, alignment, improves posture, and helps to relieve stress creating a sense of calmness. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds.

#2 Warrior Pose #2

Warrior Posture #2 or Virabhadrasana increases flexibility of the knees and hips. It can reduce fat around the hips and relieve lower backache.  Stand with your arms spread and your legs spread apart. Turn one foot to the side and bend that knee. Hold this pose for 30 seconds then repeat this pose on the other side.

#3 Triangle Pose

Triangle Posture or Trikonasana improves the flexibility of the spine, assists with stomach issues, alleviates back pain, and can reduce pain in the pelvic area. Standing with your legs spread side to side one foot facing forward the other sideways legs straight. Extend your arms out exhale and place your hand on the floor near your turned foot. Stay for 20-30 seconds then rise. Repeat this pose to the other side.

#4 Intense Forward Stretch Pose

Intense Forward Stretch Posture or Uttanasana helps to relieve mental and physical exhaustion, tones organs, and relieves stomach discomfort. This is basically a intense toe touch you hold for 30-60 seconds.

#5 Downward Dog Pose

Downward facing dog posture or Adhomukha Svanasana can help with anxiety and depression as well as stabilize blood pressure.  Start on your knees with hands on the ground in front of you. Walk your feet behind you raise your backside creating an A shape. Hold for 5-100 breathes.

#6 Staff Pose

Staff posture or Dandasana improves seated posture. This pose strengthens the chest muscles, tones abdominal region, and strengthens the legs.  Simply sit upright with legs fully extended in front of you placing your hands on the ground beside you. Hold this posture for 20-30 seconds.

#7 Intense west stretch Pose

Intense west stretch posture or Paschimottanasana is similar to a seated to touch. This pose rests and massages the heart, soothes the adrenal gland, and improves digestion.  Start seated with legs extended in front of you. Reach towards your feet no worries if you don't reach them at first repeated attempts will create more flexibility. Stay as long as you feel comfortable with practice increase to a 5 minute duration.

#8 Head on Knee Pose

Head on Knee posture or January Sirsasana helps to relieve stress, tones the abdominal organs, and stabilizes blood pressure. Begin with Staff Pose bend one knee and pull your foot towards your thigh. Raise your arms then exhale while reaching towards your extended foot. Hold posture for 30-60 seconds. Then repeat with opposite leg extended.

#9 Torso Stretch

Torso Stretch or Bharadvajasana relieves pain in the neck, back, and shoulders and increases flexibility of the back and hips.  Sit in Staff Pose bend both knees and move both feet to one side.  Gently turn your torso away from your feet. Hold this posture for 30-60 seconds. Then repeat the opposite direction.

#10 Corpse Pose

Corpse posture or Savasana is the first step in the practice of meditation. The body is positioned in a way to provide complete relaxation removing fatigue and soothing the mind. This pose is helpful in alleviating nervous tension, headaches, and insomnia. Lay flat on the ground arms to your sides close your eyes focus on your breathing relax and enjoy this pose for 5-7 minutes.

Yoga is beneficial for the mind, body, and spirit. I hope this simple tutoral on the Top Ten Best Yoga Poses for Beginners has helped you to understand the simplicity and beauty of Yoga. "Namaste" which translates to " the divine in me bows to the divine in you" a blessing of peace and happiness.

Thank you and have a Blessed Day

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